Case Dismissed After Response to SOR Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse Guideline E: Personal Conduct Washington, Indiana November 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received notice that the Administrative Law Judge dismissed this case after receipt of a written Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR). The SOR in question described security concerns regarding Guidelines H and E: Drug Involvement & Substance Misuse and Personal Conduct, respectively.

The Firm’s client was a metrology technician, working for a Department of Defense contractor. He had a rough upbringing that introduced him to illegal substances much too early in his life. This led to a drug addiction later in his life, however, the client voluntarily sought treatment and has continued his sobriety to this day.

Guideline E allegations were based on supposedly false statements the Firm’s client made on an SF-86 over 15 years ago. The mere age of that document prevented the client from remembering specific details.

The top Security Clearance experts at the Edmunds Law Firm presented this and other mitigating evidence in addition to arguing the Whole Person Concept. In doing so, the Firm was able to show that their client was not a threat to national security and his addiction issues were long under control.

Both the Judge and Department Counsel were persuaded by these arguments. As a result, the SOR was withdrawn, and the case dismissed.

If you are facing a Security Clearance Issue, Alan Edmunds and his team will fight for you and your livelihood.  The Edmunds Law Firm is known for the effective presentation of each client as a whole person, not to be defined by any alleged behavior.

Visit for client reviews that echo such success. The Firm has offices across the United States and is eager to tackle your case.  Call (800) 481-2526 for a consultation today!

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer; #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer; #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer; #securityclearancelawyer; #securityclearance; #ResponseToSOR; #EdmundsLawFirm; #AlanEdmunds; #Army; #DOHA; #Clearancedenial

Clearance Reinstated after Response to SORDepartment of DefenseConsolidated Adjudications FacilityGuideline F: Financial ConsiderationsColorado Springs, CONovember 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance attorneys received notice from their client that his Security Clearance was reinstated following a written Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR).

The Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility (DODCAF) issued Attorney Edmunds’s client an SOR outlining Financial Considerations per Guideline F. The government believed that the number of debts owed by the client put him at risk of betraying U.S. government secrets in return for monetary gain.

The Edmunds Law Firm quickly got to work and obtained their client’s financial records. It was clear that each debt on the SOR had already been paid by their client, meaning he posed no risk to classified information.

In their 112-page Response with 24 Exhibits, the Firm offered proofs of payment, additional mitigating evidence, and argued the Whole Person Concept.

DODCAF was convinced by these compelling arguments, which resulted in a favorable adjudication for the client. Their client’s Security Clearance was immediately reinstated.

The Edmunds Law Firm has over 40 years of experience taking on the federal government. The Firm has proven time and again that no case is too difficult. If you have received a Statement of Reasons or other action regarding your Security Clearance, call us today at (800) 481-2526. For more details, informational videos, and client reviews, visit us at

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer; #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer; #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer; #securityclearancelawyer; #securityclearance; #ResponseToSOR; #EdmundsLawFirm; #AlanEdmunds; #Army; #DOHA; #Clearancedenial

Statement of Reasons Withdrawn After Firm’s Response Department of Defense, Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline F: Financial Considerations Bonita, CA December 2021 

Attorney Alan Edmunds, a leading National Security attorney, and his team of Security Clearance lawyers  received Notice that the Department of Defense (DOD) withdrew their Statement of Reasons (SOR). This  ended the adjudication process for their client, allowing him to continue his work and obtain his Security  Clearance.

The DOD had issued an SOR to the Firm’s client, outlining financial considerations concerns under  Guideline F. The client had a number of outstanding debts that the government used to question this  40-year-old Army veteran’s reliability and trustworthiness.

In his 195-page written Response to SOR and supporting documents, Attorney Edmunds argued that his  client’s debts had nothing to do with his ability to do his job and protect U.S. interests. In fact, these  debts accrued after his young child fell ill and required extensive treatment not covered by insurance.  Each debt identified in the SOR was either paid or in the process of being resolved.

This powerful Response was all it took for the government to withdraw their SOR altogether. This ended  the proceedings against the Firm’s client, restoring his ability to provide for his family and take care of  his daughter’s continued health concerns.

If you have received a Statement of Reasons or Notice to Revoke or Deny your Security Clearance, call  the Edmunds Law Firm immediately at (800) 481-2526. For client reviews and informational videos, visit

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer; #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer; #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer; #securityclearancelawyer;

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline F: Financial Considerations Parsippany, NJ October 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received Notice of a favorable decision upon appeal of their client’s denied Security Clearance Application. The Statement of Reasons alleged concerns under Guideline F: Financial Considerations based on debts accrued during a lengthy period of unemployment, mismanagement of shared funds by her ex-husband, and the costs of a divorce.

Alan Edmunds and his team of top Security Clearance attorneys submitted 188 pages of evidence in support of their client. They were able to show that their client had made incredible strides in her finances after gaining a new job, tackling two of her three major debts, and saving nearly $200,000.00 to take care of the rest while being prepared for future emergencies.

Through this evidence presented in the Firm’s Response to Statement of Reasons, oral mitigation arguments, and exploration of the Whole Person Concept, the government’s concerns were alleviated.

The Administrative Judge agreed that the arguments presented before him proved that it is clearly consistent with the interests of National Security to grant the Applicant eligibility for a Security Clearance.

The Edmunds Law Firm specializes in Financial Considerations cases. With over 40 years of experience, Attorney Alan Edmunds knows exactly what is needed to mitigate Guideline F concerns. The Firm’s victories are reported on the official government website at DOHA.  Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit our website at for instructional videos and reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Security Clearance Victory Following Hearing with Administrative Judge Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline F: Financial Considerations Colorado Springs, CO November 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds received notice of a favorable decision for his client from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). His client was initially issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) detailing security concerns under Guideline F: Financial Considerations.

Guideline F issues are increasingly common, yet difficult to overcome. That did not stop The Edmunds Law Firm. When the Firm and its team of Security Clearance Attorneys learned that their client had waived his right to a hearing, they immediately stepped in to request that waiver be set aside. A hearing was soon granted, and the Firm got to work.

During the scheduled virtual hearing, Attorney Edmunds presented the Administrative Judge with 156 pages of detailed documentation to support his arguments. He was able to show that his client’s financial problems were being resolved and under control. Mr. Edmunds also used the Whole Person Concept to show that his client was much more than the allegations made against him.

The Administrative Judge was swayed by these arguments. In his decision, the Judge found that it was clearly consistent with the national interest to grant the Firm’s client eligibility for access to classified information.

Government concerns over Guideline F issues require a specific response that Alan Edmunds has perfected in his 40+ years of experience. If you have received a Statement of Reasons or are in any other phase of the Security Clearance process, call the Edmunds Law Firm today at (800) 481-2526. You can also visit for more information and client reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Reversal of Unsuitability Determination U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Guideline J: Criminal Conduct Charleston, SC December 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received a favorable decision, resulting in the reversal of an unsuitability determination. The Firm’s client had a past criminal record that caused the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) concern over her suitability for employment.

Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance Experts immediately got to work for their client. In their 178-page Response to the Unsuitability Determination, Attorney Edmunds argued Guideline J: Criminal Conduct Mitigation and examined the Whole Person Concept.

The Firm was able to show that his client’s past is not indicative of her present judgement, trustworthiness, or reliability. In fact, her record was an unfortunate byproduct of a traumatic past, trying to survive unbearable circumstances while also succeeding in her mission to serve the country she loves.

The FAA was convinced by this argument, resulting in a reversal of the initial Unsuitability Determination. Their favorable Letter of Advisement indicated the agency’s belief that the Client has demonstrated a “significant level of rehabilitation,” completely mitigating their concerns.

Security Clearance attorneys at the Edmunds Law Firm excel at difficult cases such as this. Attorney Alan Edmunds has over 40 years of experience in such matters and is standing by to fight for your livelihood.

If you have received an Unsuitability Determination or notice that you may lose your job or security clearance, call The Edmunds Law Firm today at (800) 481-2526. For more information on the Firm’s successes and client reviews, visit

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Reversal of Base Access Denial NAS Lemoore Department of the Navy Guideline H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse Anaheim, CA December 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance attorneys took on the challenging task of defeating a Base Denial from California’s NAS Lemoore. The Firm’s Client was barred from Base access but was never notified of the reason. Therefore, he was in the difficult position of defending himself against charges unknown.

The Edmunds Law Firm quickly got to work and obtained their Client’s record in search of a potential explanation. Upon review, Attorney Edmunds determined there was nothing in his Client’s past that warranted such an action.

There was, however, a 2012 arrest that was subsequently dismissed when it was determined the Client did nothing wrong. The Firm identified this potential red flag and immediately set out to mitigate any agency concerns in their Reversal Request.

Along with Mitigating Factors, Mr. Edmunds also presented the Suspending and Debarring Official with a Whole Person argument. This allowed them to see the Firm’s client as a trustworthy and reliable asset to the U.S. Navy.

The Department of the Navy was convinced by the Firm’s powerful Reversal Request, which resulted in a favorable adjudication for their Client.

The Edmunds Law firm is known for taking on cases that others think are unwinnable such as Base Access Denial actions. The Firm has proven time and again that no case is too difficult. If you have received a Base Access Denial or Proposed Debarment action, call us today at (800) 481-2526. For more details, informational videos, and client reviews, visit us at

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline H – Drug Involvement & Substance Misuse Irvine, CA September 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm recently received Notice from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) that their client received a favorable adjudication following a Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR). The government’s initial security concerns were based on Adjudicative Guideline H – Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse.

This case involves a 62-year-old man with over 30 years of DOD contracting experience. He has an exceptional work history and his efforts have been vital to the development of various weapons and imaging systems.

In their Response to SOR, the Security Clearance experts at the Edmunds Law Firm submitted evidence that their client’s marijuana use was infrequent and has since ceased. The SOR referred to use over a span of nearly 40 years. However, within that timeframe, Attorney Alan Edmunds’s client only used marijuana 10 times. Client used over 30 years ago in college and more recently purchased some in an attempt to help his elderly father with chronic pain.

Attorney Edmunds argued mitigating factors as well as the Whole Person Concept. He showed that his client had always been open and transparent with the government regarding his use of marijuana. As soon as he became aware of the ramifications of such use, he completely ceased his occasional smoking and stopped contact with the seller.

Overall, the Edmunds Law Firm provided 84 pages of arguments in support of their client and submitted 14 exhibits for DOHA’s review.

DOHA was convinced by these arguments. The Administrative Law Judge stated, “the record evidence leaves me without questions or doubts as to Applicant’s eligibility and suitability for a security clearance.” As such, his Security Clearance access was granted, allowing the client to continue his valuable service to the United States of America.

The Edmunds Law Firm has a reputation for protecting the livelihoods of Active-Duty Military, Department of Defense Contractors, and other Federal Employees. If you have received a Statement of Reasons or are otherwise at risk of losing your Security Clearance, you need the expertise of Attorney Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance Attorneys.

Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for more information and client reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Security Clearance Granted after Response to SOR Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility Guideline F – Financial Considerations King George, VA October 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds of the Edmunds Law Firm received confirmation that his client’s Security Clearance access was granted following a Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR). The Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility (DOD CAF) was concerned about issues related to Guideline F- Financial Considerations, prompting the Firm’s detailed written Response.

The Firm’s client is a 24-year veteran Lieutenant Commander who currently oversees major DOD projects as a contractor. In a span of just over a year, his son and his mother passed away, leaving him as the sole breadwinner for multiple families. It wasn’t long after that the Firm’s client had to pivot to care for his father with terminal cancer and step-mother with multiple sclerosis. His father passed in 2020 due to COVID.

These many emotional and financial stresses took their toll on Client’s credit report, causing the government to issue a SOR.

The Security Clearance experts at the Edmunds Law Firm immediately got to work and successfully demonstrated that their client was not a threat to National Security. They demonstrated that their client should not be punished because he was left with the unbearable financial responsibilities of the past few years.

By arguing mitigating factors, the Firm was able to show that their client has resolved or is resolving each debt included on the SOR. Attorney Edmunds used the Whole Person Concept to show his client has a long history of exceptional service to his country, which would cause a major loss to the DOD community should he lose his clearance.

DOD CAF was convinced by these arguments, agreeing that Client was not a threat to United States National Security and his access was promptly granted.

If you have been issued a Statement of Reasons or Notice to Revoke or Deny your security clearance, call The Edmunds Law Firm today! With over 40 years of experience, Attorney Edmunds and his staff know how to tackle these issues early on.

Don’t wait – your livelihood depends on it. Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for instructional videos and client reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Top Secret Clearance Granted After Response to Questionnaire Department of Energy Guideline H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse Ammon, Idaho November 2021

One of the first steps an agency can take before issuing a Statement of Reasons is request that a questionnaire be answered. Because it determines whether an issue is even flagged for an Applicant, this type of Response must be handled swiftly and with expertise.

Thankfully, the Applicant knew this and contacted the Security Clearance experts at the Edmunds Law Firm. Their client received a Questionnaire asking for additional information regarding his past use of Marijuana and Modafinil, indicating the government’s concerns under Guideline H: Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse.

In his 50-page response, Attorney Alan Edmunds showed that his client had not used illegal substances since August of 2019 and has been actively participating in ongoing treatment and counseling. He also argued that the Applicant ended his drug use before applying for a job with the federal government, showing that he takes the responsibilities that come with a Security Clearance seriously. The Firm’s client proactively cleaned up his life so that he could be a productive part of US National Security.

The Firm’s Response to the Department of Energy’s Questionnaire was received well. The government’s concerns were mitigated by the answers given and were convinced that the Applicant was not a threat to the United States, but rather an asset. Without further investigative action from the DOE, Mr. Edmunds’s client was granted his Top-Secret Security Clearance.

With over 40 years of experience, Attorney Edmunds knows exactly what it takes to win at this early stage of inquiry. If the government has requested your Response to a Questionnaire or Interrogatories, you need the Edmunds Law Firm.

Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for more information and client reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guidelines G – Alcohol Consumption; H – Drug Involvement & Substance Misuse; E – Personal Conduct Egg Harbor Township, NJ November 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm recently received Notice that yet another client was granted their security clearance following a Response to SOR. The government’s initial security concerns were based on Guidelines G, H, and E – Alcohol Consumption, Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse, and Personal Conduct, respectively. This case involved a Korean American man who would become intoxicated from time to time. On one occasion, while under the influence of alcohol, he tried an illegal substance. As a result, he tested positive for cocaine during a routine urinalysis test.

In their Response to SOR, the Security Clearance experts at the Edmunds Law Firm submitted evidence that their client’s alcohol abuse phase was over and that he never used an illegal substance since the single incident reported. He has also abstained since 2019.

Attorney Alan Edmunds argued mitigating factors as well as the Whole Person Concept. He showed that his client no longer associated with the person who offered him cocaine, had not had a drink for two years, was cooperative with investigators, and was an asset to the United States military.

DOHA was convinced by these arguments and therefore denied that the Firm’s client was a threat to National Security. As such, his Security Clearance access was granted, allowing him to continue his valuable service to the United States of America.

The Edmunds Law Firm has a reputation for protecting the livelihoods of Active-Duty Military, Department of Defense Contractors, and other Federal Employees. If you have received a Statement of Reasons or are otherwise at risk of losing your Security Clearance, you need the expertise of Attorney Edmunds. Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for more information and client reviews.

#Army #DOHA #DOHALAWYER #NationalSecurity #AlanEdmunds #Security #WhiteHouseClearance #YankeeWhite #SecurityClearanceAttorney

Security Clearance Victory Following Hearing with Administrative Judge Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guidelines F: Financial Considerations and E: Personal Conduct  Santa Fe Springs, CA October 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds received notice of yet another victory in front of the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). DoD CAF issued the Firm’s client a Statement of Reasons outlining concerns arising out of Guidelines F and E, Financial Considerations and Personal Conduct, respectively. The client had multiple debts that he did not initially disclose on his SF86.

The Edmunds Law Firm went straight to work. They compiled over 70 pages of detailed arguments, including 19 supporting exhibits in their Response to Statement of Reasons. DOHA granted the Firm’s hearing request, which was conducted virtually.

Attorney Edmunds presented arguments in mitigation of the allegations against his client. He also offered evidence in support of the Whole Person Concept. Attorney Edmunds was able to show that the Applicant’s financial problems were being resolved and are under control. He was also able to demonstrate that his client was reasonable in his conclusion that his delinquent debts were not in collection, charged-off, or in default.

The Administrative Judge was swayed by these arguments. In his decision, he indicated that it is clearly consistent with the national interest to grant or continue the Applicant’s National Security Eligibility for a Security Clearance.

No argument is too difficult for this team of Security Clearance Experts. Alan Edmunds can help with any phase of the Security Clearance process.  Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for more information and client reviews.

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer

Termination of Debarment Proceedings Department of the NavySuspending and Debarring OfficialProposed Government-Wide DebarmentRedondo Beach, CAOctober 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance lawyers took on the challenging task of Debarment Proceedings. The Department of the Navy notified the Firm’s client of their Proposed Debarment Action, prompting immediate action from the Firm.

Debarment is a devastating blow to one’s reputation, livelihood, ability to work for the federal government (and often state governments), and even affects one’s eligibility for federal benefits. Therefore, Attorney Edmunds knew it was going to be a challenging but necessary fight.

The Proposed Debarment was supported by allegations that the client had misused government technology and neglected to accurately record time worked. Attorney Jacalyn Crecelius took on the challenge of mitigating the Navy’s concerns, proving that her client is presently responsible and not a threat to the US Government. She submitted her argument covering 73 pages, including 17 exhibits, and participated in a personal appearance with her client and Attorney Edmunds.

The Navy’s Suspending and Debarring Official was convinced by these arguments. In his decision to terminate the Debarment proceedings, he stated that he is not convinced the allegations were accurate, that the record shows the client has taken remedial action to correct his behavior, and the client has displayed indicators of present responsibility.

The Edmunds Law Firm is known for taking on cases that others think are unwinnable such as Debarment Actions. The Firm has proven time and again that no case is too difficult. If you have received a Proposed Debarment Action or notice of any other issue that puts your federal job in jeopardy, call us today at (800) 481-2526. For more details, informational videos, and client reviews, visit us at

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline F: Financial Considerations Lakewood, CA September 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received Notice of a favorable decision upon appeal over their client’s denied Security Clearance application.

The Statement of Reasons alleged Financial Consideration concerns per Guideline F.  Attorney Alan Edmunds’s client was flagged for several foreclosures that were a direct result of the 2008 real-estate market crash as well as other debts that his ex-wife had hidden from him.

After a powerful Response to SOR, subsequent DOHA appearance, and 25 supporting exhibits, Attorney Edmunds was able to mitigate the government’s security concerns.  He was able to show that his client currently owed nothing to the government or any other entity resulting from past foreclosures.

The adjudicator was swayed by the Firm’s mitigation arguments, detailed supporting documentation, and comprehensive “Whole Person Concept” argument.

The team of Top Security Clearance attorneys at The Edmunds Law firm specializes in Financial Consideration issues.  With over 40 years of experience, Alan Edmunds knows exactly what the government needs to see for their security concerns to be mitigated.  The Firm’s victories are reported on the official government website at DOHA.

Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit our website at for instructional videos and client reviews.

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline B: Foreign Influence  Arlington, TX September 2021

Top Security Clearance attorney Alan Edmunds received Notice of another favorable adjudication from the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA).  His client’s security clearance application was initially denied due to Guideline B: Foreign Influence.

The Firm’s client in this case was a young man, born in Taiwan, who has proven his dedication solely to the United States.  Although he is a U.S. citizen and refused dual US-Taiwanese citizenship at every opportunity, the government was concerned about his family and friend that still resided in Taiwan.

In the Response to Statement of Reasons, the Edmunds Law Firm argued many mitigating factors and the Whole Person Concept.  With over 17 exhibits to support their arguments, the Firm’s leading Security Clearance Attorneys were able to quell the government’s concerns.

Notably, they argued that their client is a devout and loyal citizen who asserts that he has “grown up American and [he] will remain American until the day [he] dies.”  His father is a US Citizen, and his mother was in the process of coming to the US herself.  Any assets in Taiwan were of negligible magnitude.

Attorney Alan Edmunds successfully argued mitigating circumstances and the “Whole Person” Concept.  In doing so, he convinced the adjudicator that any ties to Taiwan were outweighed by his Client’s deep and longstanding relationships and loyalties in the United States.  Therefore, it is unlikely that he would be placed in a position of having to choose between the interests of the US and those of Taiwan.

The Edmunds Law Firm has been helping clients at home and abroad for over 40 years.  The Firm protects the livelihoods of Active-Duty Military, Department of Defense Contractors, and other Federal Employees.

No argument is too difficult for this team of Security Clearance Experts.  Alan Edmunds can help with any phase of the Security Clearance process.  Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit for more information and client reviews.

Response to SOR Favorable Decision Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guidelines B and F: Foreign Influence and Financial Concerns Iraq October 5, 2021

The team of top Security Clearance Lawyers at The Edmunds Law Firm received a favorable adjudication for their client following a hearing in front of DOHA.  The Department of Defense had security concerns regarding to Guideline B (foreign influence) and Guideline F (financial considerations).  The hearing was done virtually, with the Firm’s client participating from his current employment location in Iraq.

The Firm’s client is a linguist who has endured dangerous conditions for almost 20 years while supporting the United States’ mission in the War on Terror in Iraq.  He has been recognized for his efforts by the U.S. Department of State and the Department of the Army.  Attorney Alan Edmunds showed that his client was not a security threat, that his debts are paid, his current finances are sound, and any contacts in Iraq are not a risk to his loyalty to the United States.  Attorney Edmunds was able to alleviate the DoD’s concerns regarding this loyal U.S. Citizen and Iraqi refugee.

If you are facing a Security Clearance Issue, top Security Clearance lawyer Alan Edmunds will fight for you and your livelihood.  The Edmunds Law Firm is known for the effective presentation of each client as a whole person, not to be defined by any alleged behavior.  Visit for client reviews that echo such success. The Firm has offices across the United States and is eager to tackle your case.  Call (800) 481-2526 for a consultation today!

#AlanEdmunds; #SecurityClearanceLawyer; #ClearanceDenial; #SecurityClearanceAttorney; #SecurityClearanceLawyerWashingtonDC; #CaliforniaSecurityClearanceLawyer; #FloridaSecurityClearance Lawyer; #DOHAHearing; #GuidelineF; #FinancialConsiderations; #SecurityClearanceLawyerFtMeade

Supplemental Information Request Favorable Decision – Security Clearance Eligibility Granted Department of Defense, Consolidated Adjudications Facility (DoD CAF) Guideline G: Alcohol Consumption Fairborn, Ohio September 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds, a leading National Security attorney, and his team of Security Clearance Lawyers received Notice of a favorable adjudication following a detailed Response to a Supplemental Information Request.

With her powerful 86-page written brief and 14 detailed exhibits, Attorney Lindsay Bierman succeeded in mitigating the government’s Guideline G concerns over her client’s alcohol consumption.  The mitigation she presented was based in part on the Whole Person concept.  The Firm’s client had 22 years of service in support of the United States Air Force. The adjudicator was swayed by the presented evidence and overturned the Client’s initial denial.  With her Security Clearance eligibility now granted, the Firm’s Client can again provide for her family and continue her dedicated service in supporting United States security interests.

If you have questions or have received a Notice to Revoke, SOR (Statement of Reasons), or other denial of your Security Clearance, call the Edmunds Law Firm immediately at (800) 481-2526.  Visit to find case reviews and other helpful information.

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer; #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer; #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer; #securityclearancelawyer; #securityclearance; #ResponseToSOR; #EdmundsLawFirm; #AlanEdmunds

Favorable Ruling in Response to SOR Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility (DoD CAF) Guidelines E and F: Personal Conduct and Financial Considerations Fort Meade, MD July 2021

Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance attorneys receive Notice of a favorable adjudication following their Response to Statement of Reasons (SOR).  The government accused the Firm’s client of being untruthful on his SF-86 application regarding financial disclosures.  In reality, the client was truthful and simply unaware of debts brought up in the SOR.  The government intended to deny a 14-year veteran of his livelihood simply because he was not a stellar bookkeeper.

Security Clearance expert Alan Edmunds took this challenge head-on.  He submitted evidence showing all his client’s debt had been resolved or is in the process of being resolved.  Attorney Edmunds also argued mitigating factors and examined the Whole Person concept to alleviate the DoD’s concerns.  The government agreed with Mr. Edmunds’s Response and adjudicated in his favor.  Now that the client has been granted Secret Security Clearance, he can continue to serve U.S. National Security interests.

If you need help defending yourself in response to a SOR or any other Security Clearance Issue, contact the experts at (800) 481-2526.  With over 40 years of experience, Alan Edmunds knows exactly what it takes to win.

DOHA Victory Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guidelines E and K: Personal Conduct and Handling Protected Information Arlington, VA August 2021

Security Clearance Expert Alan Edmunds received notice of a favorable DOHA decision.  The case dealt with a six-year veteran, currently in his 23rd year of DoD contracting, who did not properly secure a secured area.  Over eight years with this daily responsibility, Attorney Edmunds’s client failed to secure a lab properly on four occasions.

These security infractions were the subject of a Statement of Reasons, over which the Firm requested a hearing.  The Edmunds Law Firm argued mitigation factors and provided evidence that the probability of such infractions happening again was quite low.  The Administrative Judge agreed with Attorney Edmunds, acknowledging the client’s counseling, training, and renewed focus on his professional responsibilities.  As a result, the government’s concerns were mitigated, and the client was able to continue his long, loyal career in service to the United States Department of Defense.

The Edmunds Law Firm has been helping clients around the globe for over 40 years.  Active-Duty Military, Contractors, and Federal Employees trust their careers to Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance layers.  Our Firm can help with any phase of the Security Clearance process, from SF86 to Security Clearance Appeals.  Your livelihood is important, so get the best Security issues attorney out there.  Call us at (800) 481-2526 and check out our client reviews at

Response to SOR Victory Reversal of Negative Preliminary Fitness Determination United States Department of State Guidelines B and C: Foreign Influence and Foreign Preference Washington, D.C. August 2021

Top Security Clearance attorney Alan Edmunds received Notice of another favorable adjudication from the Department of State.  His client’s security clearance application was initially denied due to Guidelines B – Foreign Influence and C – Foreign Preference.  The Firm’s client in this case was a man who has served the United States from both abroad and stateside.  Although he is a U.S. citizen and has renounced his Iraqi citizenship, the government was concerned about his family that still resided in Iraq and counted on his occasional monetary assistance.

In the Response to Statement of Reasons, the Edmunds Law Firm argued many mitigating factors and the Whole Person Concept.  Over 65 pages of arguments and evidence, the Firm’s leading Security Clearance Attorneys were able to quell the government’s concerns.  Notably, they argued that their client is a devout and loyal citizen who began his service to the United States as soon as he was of age, while still living in Iraq. His familial ties to Iraq were themselves attempting to leave the country whilst residing in a refugee camp due to persecution by ISIS.  Any monetary assistance he sent abroad was to help with medical costs of his beloved family.

The government agreed with this Response, reasoning that the above ties abroad were not enough to deny security clearance.  Thus, the adjudicator determined that the Firm’s client met the contractor employee fitness requirements, making him eligible for employment on Department of State contracts.

The Edmunds Law Firm has been helping clients at home and abroad for over 40 years.  The Firm protects the livelihoods of Active-Duty Military, Contractors, and other Federal Employees.  No argument is too difficult for this team of Security Clearance Experts.  Alan Edmunds can help with any phase of the Security Clearance process, but don’t delay! The earlier you get help in these convoluted matters, the better.  Call us today at (800) 481-2526.

Security Clearance Victory Following Response to SOR Department of Defense Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Guideline B: Foreign Influence Arlington, VA July 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received Notice of a favorable decision upon appeal over their client’s denied Security Clearance application.  The Statement of Reasons alleged foreign influence concerns based on the client’s parents and siblings, who are citizens and residents of India, and the client’s financial support of his family.  His spouse also has financial interests in India.

Alan Edmunds and his team of top Security Clearance attorneys submitted 191 pages of evidence in support of their client.  Through this evidence, mitigation arguments, and the Whole Person Concept, they were able to show that their client and his wife have substantial assets in the United States, about $5.4 million.  The mere connection with their elderly parents and siblings was not enough to offset the value the Appellant provided the United States Government.

The government was convinced by the written evidence and Attorney Edmunds’ oral argument.  The Administrative Judge agreed that the Applicant’s deep and longstanding relationships and significant financial interests in the United States sufficiently mitigated the foreign influence security concerns raised in the Statement of Reasons.  Therefore, the Applicant’s access to classified information was granted.

The Edmunds Law Firm specializes in Foreign Influence cases. These types of cases continue to rise and Alan Edmunds has over 40 years of experience. The Firm’s victories are reported on the official government website at DOHA.  Call us today at (800) 481-2526 or visit our website at for instructional videos and reviews.

Response to Interrogatories Favorable Decision Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Guideline F: Financial Concerns Fort Meade, MD August 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm, known nationwide for its expertise in Security Clearance issues, received a favorable adjudication for their client following a written Response to Interrogatories.  The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency was concerned about the Client’s financial history and requested more information for review.

Attorney Alan Edmunds provided the requested information and argued mitigation factors to alleviate the agency’s concerns. He showed that his Client’s financial problems occurred over a decade ago and have since been resolved.  The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency was persuaded by Attorney Edmunds’s Response.  The facts before the agency convinced them that the Applicant’s financial issues have long passed, and he is now better equipped for financial success going forward.

If you are facing a Security Clearance Issue, Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance attorneys will fight for you and your livelihood. Attorney Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance attorneys are known for their effective presentation of each client as a whole person rather than a mere alleged behavior.  Visit for client reviews that echo such success. The Firm has offices across the United States and is eager to tackle your case.  Call (800) 481-2526 for a consultation today!

#AlanEdmunds; #SecurityClearanceLawyer; #ClearanceDenial; #SecurityClearanceAttorney; #SecurityClearanceLawyerWashingtonDC; #CaliforniaSecurityClearanceLawyer; #FloridaSecurityClearance Lawyer; #DOHAHearing; #GuidelineF; #FinancialConsiderations; #SecurityClearanceLawyerFtMeade

Hearing Victory – Access Authorization Granted National Nuclear Security Administration Psychological Concerns Albuquerque, NM July 2021

Attorney Alan Edmunds, a leading National Security attorney, and his team of Security Clearance Lawyers received Notice of a favorable adjudication following a powerful Hearing appearance in an Appeal to Denied Access Authorization.

Attorney Edmunds offered evidence during the virtual hearing to support his argument and mitigate the government’s concerns.  The mitigation he presented was based in part on the Whole Person concept.  The Firm submitted multiple exhibits prior to the Hearing in a persuasive written brief.  The adjudicator was swayed by the presented evidence and overturned the Client’s initial denial.  With an Access Authorization now granted, the Firm’s Client can again provide for his family and continues in his service supporting United States security interests.

If you have questions or have received a Notice to Revoke, SOR (Statement of Reasons), or other denial of your Security Clearance, call the Edmunds Law Firm immediately at (800) 481-2526.  Visit to find case reviews and other helpful information.

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer; #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer; #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer; #securityclearancelawyer; #securityclearance; #ResponseToSOR; #EdmundsLawFirm; #AlanEdmunds

CIA Guideline B – Foreign Influence Kirkland, WA June 2021

When holding a Security Clearance falling in love with someone with foreign roots can be an issue. Marriage is a merger of families and traditions. It often brings people together across different backgrounds culturally and economically.

Our client received a Statement of Reasons listing Guideline B – Foreign Influence as the reason for his clearance revocation. Our client’s wife although now a U.S. Citizen was born in Korea. The client had also received a Fellowship Scholarship from a foreign foundation and spent time overseas. The Client knew seeking legal counsel was the correct choice.

Attorney Edmunds used evidence of a language barrier between our client and his in-laws to prove their relationship was familial at best. Although the client’s in-laws visit occasionally the contact between them continues to be minimal. With the United States and Korea being allies, there was no doubt our client is not a threat to National Security. We were able to mitigate the Government’s concerns and prove that our client’s loyalty lies with the United States.  The Edmunds Law Firm is the leading firm in National Security Clearance cases, with Attorney Edmunds as a Subject Matter Expert in Security Clearance.

Call us today and find out how we can help you!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineB #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHALAWYER #SECURITYCLEARANCELAWYER

Victory From Written Response to SOR Dept. of State Veteran Contractor Personal Conduct and Criminal Conduct Washington, D.C. August 2021

The Edmunds Law Firm received Notice of a Favorable Adjudication following submission of a written Response to SOR.  The case involved a third-generation soldier who was falsely accused of Domestic Violence but had never been charged.

After the Client’s arrest in 2015, the prosecutor refused to press charges as he believed the allegations never happened.  Nevertheless, 6 years later, the Client was issued a Preliminary Fitness Determination that he was not eligible for employment on Department of State Contracts.

Staff at the Edmunds Law Firm filed a Response to SOR that was nearly 40 pages with exhibits.  Attorney Lindsay Bierman argued mitigation and offered evidence to show the allegations were not true, but rather the fault of the accuser.

The government agreed with her Response, finding that the client did indeed meet the contractor employee fitness requirements. The Contractor Review Panel reversed its preliminary fitness determination, meaning the Client was once again eligible for employment on Department of State contracts.

The Edmunds Law Firm has been helping clients around the globe for over 40 years.  Active-Duty Military, Contractors, and Federal Employees trust their careers to Alan Edmunds and his team of Security Clearance Lawyers.  Our Firm can help with any phase of the Security Clearance process, from SF 86 to Security Clearance Appeals. Your livelihood is important, so get the best Security Clearance Attorney out there.  Call us at (800) 481-2526.

Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Biloxi, MS April 2021

Working overnights can be difficult.

Our client received a Statement of Reasons stating Guideline H – Drug Involvement and Substance Misuse and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. The client was working the graveyard shift while also homeschooling his two children. The client was on prescription medications to help with his sleep deprivation and anxiety. After a particularly stressful week, the client was found unresponsive at his post, transported to a hospital, and accused of abusing prescription drugs. Our client knew he had never abused prescription medication and may have just mixed up his medication with that of his child.

Our team with its 40 years of experience was able to mitigate the Government’s concern and get a favorable decision. Attorney Edumunds is the best Security Clearance Lawyer with the most favorable DOHA decisions.

Call the Edmunds Law Firm at 800.481.2526 and see how we can assist you today!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #DOHA #GuidelineF #ARMY #NAVY

Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility June 2021 San Diego, CA 

One cannot help with whom they fall in love with; but when your partner is from a foreign country it can cause issues in your Security Clearance decision.

Our client received a Statement of Reasons listing Guideline B – Foreign Influence. Our client’s partner was both a citizen and resident of Mexico and their daughter held dual citizenship in both the United States and Mexico. Travel between San Diego and Mexico is a common occurrence with people traveling for both work and leisure. Our legal team was able to mitigate the Government’s concern and prove that our client’s relationship was not a risk to National Security.

Alan Edmunds and the Edmunds Law Firm has over 40 years of experience in Security Clearance with Attorney Edmunds as the Subject Matter Expert in Security Clearance matters. The Edmunds Law Firm can help with your Written Response to Statement of Reasons, Military Upgrade Petition, DOHA Hearings and more! Contact us today and see how we can help you! 800.481.2526.

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHA #NAVY #MilitaryUpgrade #BestSecurityClearanceLawyer

U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Arlington Virginia April 2021

College years can be the best years of one’s young adult life. It is both a time of newfound freedom and exploration, but sometimes the choices we make in our young adult years can be used against us.

Our client knew she had experimented in college with marijuana and upon completion of an internship was offered a Government job. She sought advice from a trusted source on whether to report her usage or not. Deciding not to report her usage on her first e-QIP and then reporting it on an updated e-QIP almost cost the client her career.

She trusted Alan Edmunds of the Edmunds Law Firm to handle her Response to Interrogatories. Mr. Edmunds is a Subject Matter Expert in National Security. The Edmunds Law Firm was able to win the client her clearance.

Whether Active Duty, Contractor or Federal Employee – call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 and see how we can help you!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHALAWYER

Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration Arlington, VA May 2021

The standard for Government employees is a high one. But there is no such thing as a perfect person.

Our client received a Statement of Reasons listing Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline G – Alcohol Consumption, and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. The client had one instance of Operating Under the Influence (OUI) which caused our client’s license to be suspended. During his suspended driving privileges, the client used his badge to allow a friend to pick him up from a secured area but was accused of driving without a license. In another stroke of bad luck, the client found himself lost in Virginia and headed into D.C. with a registered firearm in a state without reciprocity.   The client knew he would need professional help to mitigate the Government’s concern. He hired the best Security Clearance Lawyer, Alan Edmunds of the Edmunds Law Firm to mitigate the Government’s concerns.

Our client had never been reprimanded on the job before and a series of weird happenstance could have cost him everything he had worked so hard for. The Edmunds Law Firm is the leading firm in favorable DOHA decisions. Give us a call today at 800.481.2526 and see how we can help you!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHALAWYER #SECURITYCLEARANCELAWYER

Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility San Diego, CA March 2021

Breakups can be messy. And in the heat of the moment one bad lapse in judgment could cost you your clearance.

When the client received his Statement of Reasons, he knew that he would need professional help. His SOR detailed an incident involving the mother of his children and a previous girlfriend. The client knew that the incident was not the best representation of his character. A heat of the moment decision almost cost him everything he had worked so diligently to achieve. The client had allegations listed under Guideline D – Sexual Behavior, Guideline E – Personal Conduct and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. 

Our team with its 40 years of experience was able to mitigate the Government’s concern and get a favorable decision. The client was able to get his clearance back. Do not let a bad breakup cost you your clearance.

Call the Edmunds Law Firm at 800.481.2526 and see how we can assist you today!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHA

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) New Orleans, LA June 2021

Being the sole provider for a family of five can be quite the task. Add in medical conditions, an ongoing pandemic, and a revocation of security clearance to make for a stressful situation.

Our client received a Statement of Reasons listing Guideline E – Personal Conduct, Guideline F – Financial Considerations and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. Although the client had a verbal commitment to reduce their hours with their employer due to medical issues, they were then reprimanded for adhering to said schedule. The client also had mounting medical bills that were already on a repayment plan.

The client knew she would need legal counsel. She hired the Edmunds Firm to do her Response to SOR. We were able to prove the client took the appropriate steps with both her employer as well as with her financial obligations. Our firm was able to mitigate the government’s concerns without a Security Clearance Appeal through our detailed legal brief and exhibits we were able to get a favorable decision for our client!

If you have questions or have received a Notice to Revoke your clearance, call the Edmunds Law Firm at 800.481.2526 and see how we can assist you today!

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHA #NAVY

Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Consolidated Adjudications Facility Response to Statement of Reasons May 2021

Millions of people worldwide have debt, whether it be credit card debt, student loans or medical bills. But debt shouldn’t keep you from the career of your dreams.

Our client came to us with a Statement of Reasons listing Guideline F – Financial Considerations as his reason for his clearance revocation. Our client stretched himself thin trying to provide for his family, while dealing with a lengthy separation from his spouse. The client then found himself going through a divorce where he needed to pay both child support and alimony. It seemed like there would be no end to his debt. Without a security clearance our client could not continue to satisfy any of his agreements regarding the repayment of said debts. That’s when he decided he would need professional help.

The Edmunds Firm was able to mitigate the government’s concerns and prove the client’s efforts to resolve his debts successfully.

Don’t let delinquent debts get in the way of obtaining your dream career with the U.S Government. Call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 to find out how we can help you.

#AlanEdmunds #SecurityClearanceLawyer #ClearanceDenial #SecurityClearanceAttorney #SecurityClearanceLawyerTampa #SecurityClearanceAttorneyBoston #SecurityClearanceLawyerNewYork #CaliforniaSecurityCleatanceLawyer #DOHAHearing #GuidelineF #FinancialConsiderations #ARMY #DOHA

Central Intelligence Agency Guideline E – Personal Conduct Guideline J – Criminal Conduct Response to Statement of Reasons May 2021

Everyone knows that divorces can get messy, but a divorce shouldn’t cost you your security clearance.

The client came to us after losing his security clearance due to a restraining order filed by his estranged wife. The government issued a statement of reasons with Guideline E – Personal Conduct and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. The client then hired us to do his Response to Statement of Reasons.  Our client knew that his marital issues were no threat to his duties. He hired the Edmunds Firm to prove this.

After working alongside our client and gathering all the evidence, the Edmunds Law Firm was able to prove his worthiness of a security clearance to the government. The government reinstated his security clearance, and our client was able to return to work.

Don’t let a messy divorce cost you your career! Call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 with any security clearance needs to find out how we can help you.

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer #securityclearancelawyer #securityclearance #ResponseToSOR #EdmundsLawFirm #AlanEdmunds #GuidelineE #GuidelineJ #ARMY #DOHA

Department of Defense Defense Legal Service Agency Guidelines F– Victory from DOHA Hearing Arlington, VA April 2021

Sometimes the road to re-employment is not always easy.

When our client received their Statement of Reasons, stating a hefty tax bill as the reason for their clearance denial they decided to let our firm handle the tough work.

With the help of the Edmunds Firm our client was able to show the numerous efforts on her end to satisfy her debts as well as the fact that the circumstances surrounding her financial difficulties were not a threat to national security. Through this response we were able to get our client a favorable decision.

Do not let tax issues keep you from chasing your dream career.

If your security clearance is being jeopardized over a couple of unpaid debts, don’t stress. With over 41 years of experience, the Edmunds Law Firm can help you with any of your security clearance needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 800.481.2526 so we can help you fight for your future.

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer #securityclearancelawyer #securityclearance #ResponseToSOR #DOHAHearing

Department of Defense Defense Legal Service Agency Defense Office of Hearings And Appeals Guidelines E, and J– Victory from DOHA Hearing Arlington, VA April 2021

Parents want a loving and healthy relationship with their children but what happens when two parents can’t successfully coparent?  It almost cost one parent their security clearance.

Due to the hostile relationship of our client and the mother of his child our client was falsely accused on numerous occasions from 2016 until 2019 of domestic violence, assault, child abuse, and trespassing. Because of the ongoing custody dispute our client’s clearance was suspended, reinstated and then suspended once again. The government issued a Statement of Reasons with allegations under Guideline E – Personal Conduct and Guideline J – Criminal Conduct. 

Rather than facing the daunting task alone, our client retained the Edmunds Law Firm to help him prepare his written Response to Statement of Reasons. After working alongside our client and gathering all the evidence, the Edmunds Law Firm was able to prove his worthiness of a security clearance to the government. The government reinstated his security clearance, and our client was able to return to work.

Don’t let the mistakes of your past affect your future. Call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 with any security clearance needs to find out how we can help you.

#Californiasecurityclearancelawyer #Floridasecurityclearancelawyer #WashingtonDCsecurityclearancelawyer #securityclearancelawyer #securityclearance #ResponseToSOR #EdmundsLawFirm #AlanEdmunds #GuidelineE #GuidelineJ

Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility Victory from Response to Statement of Reasons Guideline E and Guideline F Shreveport, Louisiana January 2021

Anybody who has taken one can attest to how tedious and involved a security clearance questionnaire can be, but if you miss even a single detail in a question it could put your security clearance at risk.

A recent client of ours misread an item on her questionnaire, assuming that like many questions it was asking about recent issues when in fact it said “ever”. Under her mistaken assumption she answered “No”, and when she eventually received a Statement of Reasons it included allegations under Guideline E: Personal Conduct for her failure to disclose the past issue. The SOR also included allegations under Guideline F: Financial Considerations for some debts she had.

Wanting to make sure she didn’t miss anything else, she came to the Edmunds Law Firm for help with her Response to SOR. The debts were under control and being taken care of, which we showed in the response. Drawing on over 40 years of experience, our attorneys also explained how the mistake on her questionnaire was just that, a mistake, and not an attempt to hide anything from the government. With the issues cleared up and her security clearance reinstated she was able to return to work.

We all make mistakes, but don’t let them cost you your security clearance. Call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 and find out how we can help you!

#Louisianasecurityclearancelawyer #Louisianasecurityclearance #securityclearancelawyer #securityclearance #statementofreasons #ResponsetoSOR

Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudications Facility Victory from Response to SOR Guideline E San Antonio, Texas January 2021

Harmless pranks aren’t always so harmless when they happen at work, in fact, they could put your security clearance in jeopardy.

A client of ours found this out firsthand when a simple joke ultimately led to him being judged to no longer meet his job standards and receiving a Statement of Reasons. He noticed one day that a coworker had left his computer unlocked when he left his desk. Knowing that computer security is important in their job, our client decided to give his coworker a little reminder to lock his computer when he went away from it by Google searching a picture of the actor David Hasselhoff and setting it as the computer’s background.

The Statement of Reasons he later received had allegations under Guideline E: Personal Conduct related to the incident. He knew he needed to take this seriously, and so came to The Edmunds Law Firm for help with his Response to SOR. Under the guidance of the country’s leading security clearance lawyer, our attorneys explained in the response that our client had been disciplined and learned his lesson from the incident. While it may have been misguided, it did not reflect poorly on his ability to hold a security clearance, and he had numerous recommendations attesting to his good character. With his security clearance restored, he was able to return to serving his country.

Don’t let a seemingly innocent joke get out of hand and put your security clearance at risk. Call the Edmunds Law Firm today at 800.481.2526 and find out how we can help you!

#Texassecurityclearancelawyer #securityclearancelawyer #securityclearance #statementofreasons #responsetoSOR #DODCAF  

Security Clearance Recent Victories

Security Clearance Victories 2020